Resend Emails to Customers who Unsubscribed/Opted Out
Estimated Time of Completion: 0.5 hours (also depends on the number of Email addresses to be added.)
On occasion, people unsubscribe from your list, then later change their minds and opt-in again to another lead magnet. Unfortunately, Infusionsoft won’t re-opt them in from a ClickFunnels opt-in because they’ve unsubscribed in the past. So they won’t get your emails and will usually email you to find out what’s going on.
If this is the case, your Doer will need to opt-in the email manually and then resend the email for the client. Then, they’ll need to reply to their query email letting them know it’s been fixed and resent. We’ve got a simple process for that in our office, and our Doers are always on the look-out for it in our inbox to support our subscribers.
If you’d like to outsource this from your to-do list, you can do this now!
Disclaimer: This will depend on how many hours you are asking your Doer to complete.
- If you're utilising the Project Management Tool; *Basecamp, add this as a task to your project's To Do's
- You'll need to describe the task. We'd recommend 'Resend Emails to [Name of Customer who Unsubscribed/Opted Out]: EM0021'
- Assign the To Do to your Doer
- Set a Due Date
- Add notes:
- You can provide your Doer with this URL in order to provide them with context on the task.
- Advise your Doer on where the copy/info from the email can be found to resend to the client.
- Don't assume - particularly if you're just starting out with your Doer it's always best to provide as much information as possible. If you have extensive notes, we'd recommend recording a Loom.